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Saturday, May 6, 2017

10:30 am - 1 pm

Where do our rituals of yoga and eating intersect? How do we embrace the same awareness we invoke on our yoga mats while we consume our food? How might the manner in which we eat affect our journeys of inner healing? Please join us for an energizing morning yoga practice followed by a nourishing meal shared in community. We will awaken and explore our bodies in asana for the first half of class. After connecting with breath + movement we will gather to enjoy a delicious, savory breakfast. We will have the sweet opportunity to extend and integrate our practice of yoga into the yoga of eating our breakfast together with mindfulness and reverence. This lovingly prepared breakfast will be vegetarian and gluten-free, based around organic vegetables and whole grains. Allison cooks intuitively, allowing the process of cooking to unfold as a creative language. She selects ingredients with energetic vibrance and infuses her meals with love and intention. Cost is $40, or $35 if you register before April 20. Due to the nature of food preparation, we request pre-registration for this event in order to attend. Register here.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

2 - 4 pm

How does our relationship to our feet affect the entirety of our bodies? And how do the soles of our feet relate to the earth beneath us? How are our hands mystical microcosms? What exists within a simple hand gesture? In what ways do we employ our hands throughout our days? We will spend two hours honoring these often-overlooked parts of our bodies with a sense of exploration and reverence. Paying close attention to the language of our hands and feet, we will nurture them through myofascial release and self-massage, learn of their symbolic and functional roles, and explore how we engage with our hands and feet during asana. This workshop will offer a spacious container in which we may deepen our relationships to these sacred parts of the human body vessel. Cost is $30 in advance or $35 at the desk.

Monday, March 20, 2017

7 - 9 pm

Please join us as we (in the Northern Hemisphere) celebrate the Spring! The green shoots and floral buds are emerging, and whispers of warmth are on the winds. The sun crosses the earth's equator and for this one day the light and the dark are of equal length. Allison Riegel will lead us in gentle movement accompanied by the live music of Breathing Room. We'll practice an extra long savasana, bathed in healing sound. We will gather from 7:00-9:00pm on Monday, March 20th. Cost of the event is $20 for early and online registration, $25 day of (online and at the desk).

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